Utah currently has 10 licensed marijuana dispensaries with several dispensing locations across the state. However, they only serve medical cannabis patients and are commonly called medical cannabis pharmacies.
Depending on the location, day of the week, and dispensary, most cannabis dispensaries in Utah open their pharmacies between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. daily. Consumers can check the operating hours of Utah dispensaries near them on their websites to learn the exact time they open for business each day.
Most cannabis dispensaries in Utah close to customers between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily. However, depending on the day of the week, a few dispensary locations in the state open late to customers, dispensing medical cannabis till about 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Marijuana consumers can look up each dispensary's website for their exact closing hours.
Yes, some medical marijuana dispensaries in Utah offer home delivery services in certain counties in line with the Utah Home Delivery and Courier Administrative Rules, R383-9. Before ordering medical cannabis online from any Utah-licensed medical marijuana pharmacy, consumers should ensure to confirm if the dispensary can deliver to their location.
No. It is illegal for any licensed marijuana dispensary in Utah to ship cannabis to other states because federal laws prohibit transporting cannabis across state borders.
There are no recreational marijuana dispensaries in Utah presently. The state prohibits the possession, use, and sale of adult-use weed.
Utah has not legalized recreational marijuana for recreational use, and as such, no recreational marijuana dispensary operates within the state's boundaries.
Registered cannabis patients must hold their DHHS-issued medical cannabis cards and cash when visiting medical cannabis dispensaries near them in Utah.
No. Under the Utah Medical Cannabis Act, a person must possess a valid medical cannabis card in order to legally purchase medical cannabis at a licensed medical cannabis pharmacy in the state. The state also requires visitors to Utah who are medical cannabis cardholders in their state of residence to obtain a temporary card (non-Utah resident card) to enable them to access medical cannabis dispensaries near them.
Yes, registered cannabis patients aged 18 or who are emancipated minors can enter any Utah-licensed medical marijuana dispensary.
There is no cap on the number of medical cannabis pharmacies a registered patient can visit in Utah daily.
No. In line with the federal prohibition of marijuana, no Utah-licensed medical cannabis dispensary takes credit card payments. Registered patients are advised to hold sufficient cash or debit cards when visiting Utah marijuana dispensaries near them.
Utah cannabis dispensaries do not accept medical insurance for consumers' marijuana-related expenses at the dispensaries due to the federal ban on marijuana.
Yes. Marijuana dispensaries in Utah use MJ Freeway, cannabis seed-to-sale software, to monitor consumers’ marijuana purchases.