Yes, medical cannabis is legal in Utah in accordance with the Utah Medical Cannabis Act. Utah medical cannabis laws permit persons with qualifying conditions to possess no more than a quantity sufficient to provide 30 days of treatment in accordance with the dosing guidelines issued by their recommending medical provider and may not exceed:
Utah's medical marijuana laws allow minor patients and visiting patients in the state to also access medical cannabis. However, visiting patients are required to have one or more of the qualifying conditions approved under Utah law. Also, they may only possess cannabis in the forms permitted under Utah law and must possess valid medical marijuana cards issued in their states.
Schedule an appointment with a Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)-registered medical provider for medical evaluation. Initial certification for medical cannabis requires an in-person visit, while recertification can be done via telemedicine services
If the medical provider determines that the patient has a qualifying condition, they will recommend the patient for medical cannabis. A patient with a condition not on the list of state-approved medical conditions may petition the Compassionate Use Board (CUB) for a medical card. The CUB reviews petitions and recommends eligibility on an individual basis
Once certified for medical cannabis, submit an application online through the Electronic Verification System (EVS) after filling out the required information and paying the application fee online
If the DHHS determines that all requirements are met, it will issue a medical marijuana card and email a copy to the patient, who can either save it or print it out
The application review process for adult patients aged 21 years or older with qualifying conditions takes about 15 days. It may take up to 90 days for patients under 21 years and adult patients with no qualifying medical conditions
Utah in 2025 issues medical marijuana cards to persons who fall under the following categories:
Yes, individuals with qualifying conditions can apply for medical marijuana cards in Utah online through the Electronic Verification System (EVS) managed by the DHHS. They must meet their medical providers in person for the initial visits (certifications) but may meet them via telehealth consultations for subsequent visits (re-certifications).
To register in the Utah Medical Cannabis Program, a person with a qualifying medical condition must first be certified for medical cannabis by a DHHS-licensed medical provider. After certification, they can submit their enrollment application online using the Electronic Verification System. Adults whose medical conditions are not listed in the state-approved list of qualifying medical conditions can petition the Compassionate Use Board to register in the Utah Medical Cannabis Program.
Yes, one of the requirements for getting a medical marijuana card in Utah is to be a legal resident of the state. However, out-of-state patients with qualifying medical conditions and marijuana cards from their states may apply for temporary medical cannabis cards when visiting Utah.
The following fees apply to medical cannabis cards in Utah:
You must have a Utah medical marijuana card and a valid government-issued photo ID card, such as a Utah driver’s license to be able to purchase medical cannabis at Utah medical cannabis pharmacies. You should also bring cash, as credit cards are not usually accepted. Note that before your first medical cannabis purchase, you will be required to consult with a medical cannabis pharmacist. Some pharmacies require an appointment made in advance for this consultation.
Only Utah healthcare practitioners certified as Qualified Medical Providers (QMPs) by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) may recommend medical marijuana to qualified patients in Utah. Note that participation in the Utah medical cannabis program as a medical provider is voluntary, and some healthcare practitioners choose not to become QMPs. If your current provider is not participating in the program, you may consult with other providers covered by your health insurance about their registration status or speak with your provider about a QMP recommendation.
The DHHS lists medical providers registered with the DHHS as QMPs. This list only includes those QMPs who have authorized the DHHS to post their name, contact information, and specialty on the DHHS website.
The requirements to become a medical provider who may recommend patients for a medical cannabis card include the following:
Minors with qualifying conditions under the Utah medical marijuana program can get provisional patient cards. The state does not issue standard patient cards to patients under the age of 18. Provisional patient cards are issued in conjunction with guardian cards. Note that all provisional patient cards must be approved by the Compassionate Use Board (CUB). Provisional cards are issued in conjunction with guardian cards since minors are required to have parental consent or approval from their legal guardians to use medical cannabis. Guardian cards are issued to the parents or legal guardians of minors.
If you are 18 in Utah, the state allows you to obtain a standard patient card. Hence, you can apply for a Utah medical marijuana card without requiring parental consent if you fulfill the eligibility requirements to consume medical cannabis.
A patient's Utah medical cannabis card is valid for 12 months from the date it was issued (Note that Compassionate Use Board patient renewal dates may differ). Patients and their qualified medical providers (QMPs) are required to renew their cards online or when the card expires. Follow these steps to renew your Utah medical marijuana card:
If your status information on the EVS displays “Renewal Complete” or “Awaiting State Review," you have completed the renewal process. If you have a current medical cannabis card, your new card will not be issued until the day following the expiration date of your current card.
No, it is illegal to cultivate marijuana at home. Only licensed facilities are allowed to grow cannabis for medical cannabis in Utah.
A caregiver is an individual whom a person with a medical marijuana patient card or a medical cannabis guardian card designates as a patient's caregiver. Patients who are minors or incapable of making health decisions for themselves can designate adults to help them buy and administer medical cannabis.
Under Utah laws, caregivers are required to be at least 21 years old, Utah adults, and be registered with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS). Note that neither the DHSS nor another Utah agency designates caregivers for patients. Caregivers must be designated by patients. They must also have caregiver cards issued by the DHSS. A medical cannabis patient can assign up to two caregivers, and a caregiver may assist up to two registered patients.
Medical marijuana purchases with medical cannabis cards issued in other states are no longer permitted in Utah as of July 1, 2021. However, out-of-state patients with qualifying health conditions who are visiting Utah can apply for temporary medical marijuana patient cards with recommendations from state-licensed medical providers.
Registered patients' medical marijuana records are kept private in Utah and only disclosed by the DHHS in rare cases. Per Utah Code 26-61a-103, with a warrant from a court judge, state and local law enforcement may access a patient's medical cannabis records for certain information, for instance, during an investigation. Similarly, Utah-licensed medical providers may access medical marijuana records for patients under their care/treatment.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) also protects patients' medical cannabis records. Under the HIPAA Privacy Rules, the disclosure of data from medical cannabis records must comply with strict standards. For instance, an employer may only request access to an employee's medical cannabis records strictly for certain reasons stipulated in the HIPAA Privacy Rules.
No. Medical marijuana is not covered by health insurance in Utah.
With a Utah medical marijuana card, a person can purchase an amount of cannabis sufficient for a 30-day treatment based on the dosing guidelines recommended by a medical provider. The quantity may not exceed 113 grams of marijuana flower or 20 grams of total composite THC in other cannabis forms.
No Utah-licensed medical marijuana dispensary will sell medical cannabis to anyone who cannot provide a valid DHHS-issued medical marijuana card.